At least with regards to the language preference, how about if we just copy
the openid.ui.lang parameter from the OpenID UI Extension?

In flows in which the client redirects the user¹s web browser to authorize
access, the client MAY send the Authorization Server a hint regarding the
user¹s preferred language by sending the following parameter:

        The user¹s preferred languages as a [BCP 47] language priority list,
represented as a comma-separated list of BCP 47 basic language ranges in
decending priority order. For instance, the value ³fr-CA,fr-FR,en-CA²
represents the preference for French spoken in Canada, French spoken in
France, followed by English spoken in Canada.

The language preference hint SHOULD take precedence over the Accept-Language
HTTP header sent by the user¹s browser, and SHOULD take precedence over the
language preference inferred by the user¹s IP Address.

BCP 47:


On 4/12/10 1:32 PM, "Eran Hammer-Lahav" <> wrote:

> Between language preferences, display configuration, and immediate check, I
> think it might be worth to move that work to another draft. Timeline-wise,
> this has the potential of slowing us down. I also fear getting what is now a
> pretty simple spec much more complicated.
> Anyone cares to try a first draft or outline? I can do the editorial work if
> needed, but someone needs to write something first.

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