Yes- I threw that in there as one way of handling an immediate response. We 
will need the ability to do a background ping in an iframe, similar to 
checkid_immediate in OpenID.

I agree that the parameters are functionally different ... on the other hand, 
they are mutually exclusive (you won't ever have a display and an immediate 
parameter set to the same) so by making it one parameter, you avoid certain 
error cases (i.e., what does a server do with "display=page&immediate=true")

From: [] On Behalf Of Evan 
Sent: Monday, April 12, 2010 9:51 AM
To: Chuck Mortimore
Cc: OAuth WG
Subject: Re: [OAUTH-WG] A display parameter for user authorization requests

+1 in general

Question about display=none - I missed this part before, and proposed a 
different parameter (immediate=true) for the same purpose -

Anyone have thoughts on whether we should have a separate parameter for 
immediate mode?

I could go either way, but have a slight preference for two parameters. 
"immediate" feels like a significant functional difference while the display 
variations are more of a UI hint.


On Sat, Apr 10, 2010 at 1:07 PM, Chuck Mortimore 
<<>> wrote:
+1 - we'll end up requiring some parameter, as agent sniffing can't handle all 
our needs.

- cmort

On 4/10/10 12:08 AM, "Torsten Lodderstedt" 
<<>> wrote:

Am 10.04.2010 02:20, schrieb Allen Tom:
Re: [OAUTH-WG] A display parameter for user authorization requests +1

Not sure If it's possible for different SPs to agree on the specs for each 
mode, but as we learned from implementing OpenID, it's very useful for the 
client to have an interface to indicate to the AS how the UI should be rendered.

At least in Yahoo's case, we'd like to see all the display modes you listed, 
although I'm unclear what "none" is.


On 4/9/10 3:24 AM, "Luke Shepard" 
<<>> wrote:

I am still not sure why we *need* discovery in order to just add a "display" 
parameter to the spec.

I would like to see a set like the following supported:

-         popup

-         fullpage

-         touch (for smart phones (like iPhone)-like phones)

-         mobile (for older-mobile phones)

-         none

As Allen mentioned, the "popup" mode was already defined with some success in 
OpenID UX:

I agree that it can be difficult to standardize all of these right now - I 
think the best is to see what's being used in production now by different 
players and  see if we can get agreement on that. At least some broad 
categories could be established now to aid interop.

[] On Behalf Of Eran Hammer-Lahav
 Sent: Tuesday, March 30, 2010 6:34 PM
 To: Marius Scurtescu; Anthony Nadalin
 Cc: OAuth WG
 Subject: Re: [OAUTH-WG] A display parameter for user authorization requests

 They are, but thinking about interop for both parts is the same work. Once you 
figure out what the client might need, you figure out what the server may 
support. At that point discovery is as simple as giving these different options 
names and putting this information somewhere.

I am not saying a spec must cover both, but it is worth thinking about it at 
the same time. For example, a decision about allowing requesting custom size 
popup vs. fixed popup options vs. pre-defined categories, all require different 
discovery needs. If the feature allows the client to say "I want a 400x500 
popup", you just need to say "popups are supported". But if you want just allow 
full browser or popup (of fixed sizes), and do not require a server to support 
all of them, you need to express what is supported.

Given the wide range of UI options, without either mandating everything or 
discovery, this feature offers little interop value (which means little reason 
to write as a standard).


On 3/30/10 5:58 PM, "Marius Scurtescu" 
<<>> wrote:
Aren't these independent issues?

Regardless how the client figures what the server supports (discovery
or hard code configuration) it must have a way to tell the
Authorization Server its preferences when it sends the user over.


On Tue, Mar 30, 2010 at 8:50 PM, Anthony Nadalin 
<<>> wrote:
> So I doubt that the client always knows what the server supports, the server 
> should be open in allowing all parties to find out what is supported
> -----Original Message-----
> From:<> 
> [] On Behalf Of Brian Eaton
> Sent: Tuesday, March 30, 2010 5:44 PM
> To: Raffi Krikorian
> Cc: OAuth WG
> Subject: Re: [OAUTH-WG] A display parameter for user authorization requests
> On Tue, Mar 30, 2010 at 5:25 PM, Raffi Krikorian 
> <<>> wrote:
>> why does a client need to discover what the server supports?
>> presumably the client would already know given that they are integrating 
>> with it?
> +1.
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