That looks fine to me.
On Apr 8, 2010, at 2:06 AM, Eran Hammer-Lahav wrote:
How about something like this:
When accessing resources using the http URI scheme, clients SHOULD
NOT use and servers SHOULD NOT accept bearer token requests
(unsigned requests) as such a request is equal to sending
unprotected credentials in the clear. Instead, clients SHOULD obtain
and utilize an access token with a matching secret by sending a
signed request. Servers MUST accept signed requests for protected
resources using the http URI scheme.
On 4/7/10 6:42 PM, "Richard Barnes" <> wrote:
You guys are both right: The recommendation I made before is basically
saying that you SHOULD only use tokens without signing on HTTPS
On Apr 7, 2010, at 9:24 PM, Dick Hardt wrote:
> Eran
> Richard and Lief are describing the same point we had in the past
> where Peter surmised the discussion that an *implementation* MUST
> support TLS is required for bearer tokens to be compliant, and that
> TLS is recommended for *deployment*
> -- Dick
> On 2010-04-07, at 4:21 PM, Eran Hammer-Lahav wrote:
>> We are looking at this all wrong.
>> There are two kinds of protected resources OAuth supports:
>> * http://
>> * https://
>> OAuth provides two kinds of token authentication modes:
>> * bearer token
>> * token + signature
>> I don't know how to translate your statement below into text I can
>> put in
>> the draft to answer:
>> When you access/serve an http:// protected resource you do what?
>> When you access/serve an https:// protected resource you do what?
>> It is not about requiring SSL for bearer token. It is about what
>> can/should do when accessing an http:// resource.
>> EHL
>> On 4/7/10 7:09 AM, "Richard Barnes" <> wrote:
>>> To re-iterate and clarify Leif's second point, I would be in favor
>>> of
>>> making TLS:
>>> -- REQUIRED for implementations to support (== MUST)
>>> -- RECOMMENDED for deployments to use (== SHOULD)
>>> This a pretty universal pattern in IETF protocols.
>>> --Richard
>>> On Apr 7, 2010, at 7:20 AM, Leif Johansson wrote:
>>>>> Go implement whatever you want. But the spec should set the
>>>>> highest
>>>>> practical bar it can, and requiring HTTPS is trivial.
>>>>> As a practical note, if the WG reaches consensus to drop the
>>>>> I would
>>>>> ask the chairs to ask the security area and IESG to provide
>>>>> guidance whether
>>>>> they would approve such document. The IESG did not approve OAuth
>>>>> 1.0a for
>>>>> publication as an RFC until this was changed to a MUST (for
>>>>> PLAINTEXT) among
>>>>> other comments, and that with a strong warning.
>>>>> There is also an on going effort to improve cookie security.
Do we
>>>>> really
>>>>> want OAuth to become the next weakest link?
>>>> I emphatically agree.
>>>> I suspect that a lot of confusion on this thread is caused by
>>>> confusing implementation requirements with deployment
>>>> btw.
>>>> Cheers Leif
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