One of the biggest differences between OAuth2 and WRAP is that OAuth2
requires that Protected Resources be accessed using HTTPS if no signature is
being used. Bullet Point #2 in Section 1.2 says:

   4.  Don't allow bearer tokens without either SSL and/or signatures.
       While some providers may offer this ability, they should be out
       of spec for doing so though technically it won't break the flows.

While I personally think that requiring SSL is a fantastic idea, and it¹s
very hard for me to argue against it, however....

One of the goals for WRAP was to define a standard AuthZ interface for APIs
which matched what we currently have on the Web. WRAP protected APIs are
intended to be a replacement for screen scraping.

On the web, almost all websites implement Cookie Auth. Specifically, when
you log into a website, the browser is issued a bearer token, called a
Cookie, and the browser is able to access Protected Resources by using the
Cookie as the credential.

The WRAP access token is intended to be a direct replacement for the HTTP
Cookie. A client should be able to present its bearer token (a WRAP Access
Token or an HTTP Cookie) without having to sign the request.

While I certainly think that requiring SSL would be a huge improvement in
internet security, HTTP does not require SSL, and since WRAP was intended to
be a replacement for HTTP Cookie Auth, then OAuth2 should also not require

Yes, dropping the SSL requirement isn¹t optimal, but again the intent with
WRAP was to replace HTTP Cookie auth, and it should be up to the service
provider to require HTTPS when applicable.


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