Just curious - why can't the client check the Date header?


On Mar 24, 2010, at 6:26 PM, Paul Lindner <lind...@inuus.com> wrote:

Right now if a client with an inaccurate clock makes an OAuth call they are rejected. OAuth Problem Reporting includes a mechanism to send the server's concept of 'now' to the client:

The parameter named oauth_acceptable_timestamps consists of two numbers in decimal notation, separated by '-' (hyphen). It's the range of timestamps acceptable to the sender. That is, it means the sender will currently accept an oauth_timestamp that's not less than the first number and not greater than the second number.

With that data a client can maintain a time skew value to translate localized time to the server's (reliable) time.

We've found that this problem is more widespread than I would have imagined.

On Wed, Mar 24, 2010 at 5:15 PM, Luke Shepard <lshep...@facebook.com> wrote:
Hey Paul,

I was just curious, what do you mean by OAuth Problem Reporting and clock synchronization? I'm not familiar with those.

On Mar 24, 2010, at 4:12 PM, Paul Lindner wrote:

> <hat roles="lurker,enduser">
> Here at LinkedIn we've been following the OAuth developments and we're all happy to see progress being made on 2.0. From our side we'd love to see standardization of a number of defacto standards we use in our implementation. Specifically the following:
> * OAuth Problem Reporting -- If we had not implemented this we would probably had half as many devs on our platform. It's that important and I'll contribute what I can on this. > * Responses for throttled responses. Right now we return a 403 and add some descriptive info that the dev ignores :)
> * Clock synchronization (covered by problem reporting somewhat..)
> * Signaling the correct authz URL to the client (currently using xoauth_authorize_url)
> * Signaling the expiry time of the token to the client.
> * Explicit token invalidation endpoints
> * Signaling the client when a user 'declines/cancels' an authz request.
> I'll try to contribute to the process as my limited time allows.
> In any case, congrats for moving forward on this.
> </hat>
> On Mar 24, 2010, at 10:11 AM, Blaine Cook wrote:
>> <chair hat>
>> Hi all,
>> Hannes and I have discussed the results of the WG meeting, and while
>> there was a lot of good discussion that happened, it seems like the
>> next step for the WG is to buckle down and produce a stable draft that >> incorporates all the various proposals, in particular WRAP and OAuth >> 1.0a. David has done an excellent job with his draft, and I'd like to
>> see us follow through on that work quickly and effectively to offer
>> the various organizations who are looking to ship interoperable
>> solutions something to base their work on.
>> To that end, we'd like to see Eran take up the editing work over the next week.
>> That work should be premised on re-incorporating the features from
>> WRAP that were removed in David's great start at a unified spec.
>> Dick's contributions have been invaluable towards reconciling the gap
>> between HMAC-based approaches and expiring bearer token approaches,
>> and we'd like to see that work be properly credited and evaluated
>> along with all of the other aspects of OAuth 1.0a and WRAP.
>> Our hope is that soon, certainly well before the next OAuth WG meeting
>> (virtual or otherwise), we'll have a new RFC-style document that
>> satisfies the needs of everyone in the community.
>> Blaine and Hannes.
>> </chair hat>
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