<hat type='chair'/>

On 2/3/10 12:46 PM, Dick Hardt wrote:

> Wanting to discuss technical details when there does not seem to be
> consensus on the problem we are solving was my Titanic reference.

We have two dangers here:

1. The Scylla of designing technologies before we fully understand the
problem space and its associated requirements.

2. The Charybdis of discussing the problem space and its associated
requirements but never designing any technologies.

We are attempting to steer a safe course between these two dangers.
Although I tend to the side of those who fear Scylla more than
Charybdis, in my opinion (not consensus that I am declaring as co-chair)
we have enough sense of the problem space regarding authentication that
we can at least have a productive discussion about
draft-ietf-oauth-authentication-01 at tomorrow's interim meeting.
However, in parallel I think we need to keep sifting through various use
cases, and Blaine's stub of a feature matrix is a good first step that
needs more attention before the interim meeting we'll hold two weeks
from tomorrow (February 18). Remember, these interim meetings are
intended to air open issues and get us closer to agreement on problems,
terminology, architecture, use cases, requirements, and possible
technical solutions, all as a way of preparing for the in-person meeting
in Anaheim. IMHO we need to keep working in several directions at once,
so let's keep building out our wiki pages and updating the relevant
Internet-Drafts and sifting through use cases and working through open
issues on this list. Perhaps that's not a perfect process, but I think
it's the best we can do for now. If you disagree, feel free to do so on
list or off. :)


Peter Saint-Andre

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