On 2010-02-03, at 11:19 AM, Eran Hammer-Lahav wrote:

> I did not mean my first reply to you to be abrasive or confrontational, 
> despite being told that my work on the drafts is a waste of time ("moving 
> around deck chairs on the Titanic").

I and many others appreciate your work. That was not my intent. Wanting to 
discuss technical details when there does not seem to be consensus on the 
problem we are solving was my Titanic reference.

> Any consensus call must be made on the list and not just on the call or in a 
> meeting because the list is the only place everyone is guaranteed equal 
> participation. There is nothing more important in the IETF process than 
> consensus calls and I take them very seriously.

Thanks for the clarification.
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