ptupitsyn commented on issue #11775:

   When you say `withExpiryPolicy`, no new cache is created. It is just a 
reference to the same cache, but all write operations will set the specified 
expiry for the entries.
   IgniteCache cache = ignite.cache("myCache");
   cache.put(1, "a"); // No expiry
   IgniteCache cacheWithExpiry = cache.withExpiryPolicy(new 
CreatedExpiryPolicy(new Duration(TimeUnit.MINUTES, 5)));
   System.out.println(cacheWithExpiry.get(1)); // Prints "a"
   cacheWithExpiry.put(2, "b"); // Will expire in 5 min
   System.out.println(cache.get(2)); // Prints "b"
   cache.put(3, "c"); // Won't expire
   cacheWithExpiry.put(4, "d"); // Will expire

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