ravaelamanov commented on issue #11775:
URL: https://github.com/apache/ignite/issues/11775#issuecomment-2563420036

   Well, that's the thing, I need to specify expiration duration on the cache 
   IgniteCache cache = ignite.cache("myCache")
           .withExpiryPolicy(new CreatedExpiryPolicy(new 
Duration(TimeUnit.MINUTES, 5)));
   and all of the entries for the cache will have the same expiration duration. 
What I want to achieve is setting **different durations** for entries **in the 
same cache**. Consider the API Caffeine provides 
   public interface Expiry<K, V> {
     long expireAfterCreate(K key, V value, long currentTime);
     long expireAfterUpdate(K key, V value, long currentTime, @NonNegative long 
     long expireAfterRead(K key, V value, long currentTime, @NonNegative long 
   Key and value are passed to methods determining expiration duration and one 
can set expiration duration based on them. This is what I mean by per-entry 

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