JAkutenshi commented on code in PR #4747:
URL: https://github.com/apache/ignite-3/pull/4747#discussion_r1853695422

@@ -304,14 +304,19 @@ private static CompletableFuture<Integer> partitionUpdate(
         Assignment nextAssignment = 
nextAssignment(localPartitionStateMessageByNode, partAssignments);
+        boolean isNextEqualsToRestoredAsPlannedAssignments = 
partAssignments.size() == 1 && partAssignments.contains(nextAssignment);
         // There are nodes with data, and we set pending assignments to this 
set of nodes. It'll be the source of peers for
         // "resetPeers", and after that new assignments with restored replica 
factor wil be picked up from planned assignments
         // for the case of the manual update, that was triggered by a user.
         Iif invokeClosure = prepareMsInvokeClosure(
-                Assignments.toBytes(partAssignments, assignmentsTimestamp)
+                // In case if nodes set is equal then we shouldn't schedule 
the same planned rebalance

Review Comment:
   Old commentary, I guess the new one is more precise now

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