In article <>,
   lists <> wrote:
> In article
> <Apd2YQbeakViu_fqya8ZhEpN_7gaMiTaWVFziV0HbVuRy_GGi_c9X1JEff2iHNfV_Y4Is8WHoiTITCE-a6FhK5oy8A1VKOX58Idgbs-_RI4=@protonmai,
>    Thura <> wrote:
> > Hi I am trying to set up an old Strong ARM Risc PC with RISCOS ver 4.39
> > to connect to the Internet. I have never used one of these machines
> > before. It did connect to the Internet back in 2016. Unable to do so
> > now. It has NetSurf ver 3.5 (6th April 1016).

> The obvious question is "where do you live" There maybe someone nearby
> who can help.

I know there are not that many folks left running a RISC PC these days,
but I would have thought enough to give advice for the network setting up

I'm still running a real SA RISC PC (27 years old) running 6.20.

If the person in question would like to contact me personally, I'll see
what can be done.



Dave Triffid
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