> Hi I am trying to set up an old Strong ARM Risc PC with RISCOS ver 4.39 to c$

If you can't get it connected to the Internet, netsurf has no way of
working, unless you're trying to use it to look at local pages.  I'd
say first worry about getting it connected, then worry about getting
netsurf to behave.

> The problem is getting Netsurf upgraded without Internet.  Is it
> possible to get a connection via the old version of Netsurf that is
> currently installed?

Well, I don't really know netsurf all that well.  I thought netsurf was
just a browser.  If so, it is not in a position to do anything about
the machine's not having connectivity.  Until you can give the machine
connectivity, netsurf isn't going to be able to do much but, as the
message you quote put it, "only browsing local files".

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