In message <>
          Harriet Bazley <> wrote:

> Netsurf doesn't seem to support HTML of the form
> <OL>
> <li type="i" value=5>
> </OL>
> but always defaults to a sequential numerical list, whatever type/value
> the source specifies - are we all supposed to be styling list entries
> with CSS nowadays?

I've been having a look around some parts of the source (with which I am
nowhere even beginning to be familiar) and docs.  AFAICS (which is not
very far!) the parser is in place to pick this stuff up.  There also
seem to be tests in place to check parsing.

Some experments indicate that it isn't rendered to screen like it should
be, though.  CSS seems to work no better than HTML.  Ordered lists in
uppr case Roman and lower case alpha both come out as Arabic numerals.
I haven't yet found where in the source the list markers are generated.

Raise a bug on Mantis and see what happens.

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