In article <>,
   Harriet Bazley <> wrote:
> Netsurf doesn't seem to support HTML of the form
> <OL>
> <li type="i" value=5>
> </OL>
> but always defaults to a sequential numerical list, whatever type/value
> the source specifies - are we all supposed to be styling list entries
> with CSS nowadays?
You can try. ;-)

value=n doesn't seem to work at all. (Deprecated in HTML4, reintroduced

CSS that works
list-style-type: circle
list-style-type: square

CSS that doesn't work and reverts to 1,2,3
list-style-type: upper-alpha 
list-style-type: lower-alpha 
list-style-type: upper-roman
list-style-type: lower-roman


Tim Hill

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