On 14 Aug 2019  David Higton <d...@davehigton.me.uk> wrote:

> In message <52d17fe357.pnyo...@pnyoung.ormail.co.uk>
>           Peter Young <pnyo...@ormail.co.uk> wrote:

>>On 4 Aug 2019  Peter Young <pnyo...@ormail.co.uk> wrote:
>>> I would have reported this on the bug tracker, but I've found it
>>> impossible to access this, even after a change of password.
>>> This is currently with 3.10 (Dev CI#4729) on RISC OS 5.25, RiscOS version
>>> (24 Aug 18).
>>> I have been using URI files stored in Paul Vigay's NeXTBar app to launch
>>> favourite files. I'm lazy, and this is easier than finding them from the
>>> icon bar's Hot List. Fot the last three or so development builds this has
>>> stopped working, and even if I save the location in a RISC OS URI file and
>>> double-click on this it still doesn't work. Also, double-clicking on a URL
>>> in a MPro email doesn't work.
>>Just to report that I can again run NetSurf URLs from NeXTBar and from
>>MPro. Many thanks to whoever fixed this. I've been too busy to access the
>>bug tracker, I'm afraid.

> I'd appreciate knowing whether you can access the bug tracker now,
> Peter, if you can make the time available.  I have to say that at
> no time has access to Mantis stopped working for me.

I shall try, but at the moment, at age eighty, I'm rather busy and tired. 
Watch this space!

Best wishes,


Peter Young (zfc Hg) and family
Prestbury, Cheltenham, Glos. GL52, England

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