In article <>, Peter Young <> wrote: > On 14 Aug 2019 Daniel Silverstone <> wrote:
> > On Wed, Aug 14, 2019 at 17:39:54 +0100, Peter Young wrote: > >> Just to report that I can again run NetSurf URLs from NeXTBar and > >> from MPro. Many thanks to whoever fixed this. I've been too busy to > >> access the bug tracker, I'm afraid. > > Unless I am very much mistaken, we have done literally nothing to > > make that be fixed. I imagine it must have been a local hiccough on > > your system. > I think it must be, and it's now back to not launching URLs from > NeXTBar and MPro. However, nothing has changed in my system. It > remains a mystery, and I have a work-round anyway. AIUI when URI files are run, the URI module sends a wimp message so a loaded app can intercept it and do with the file as it wishes or the module uses the Open_URI system variables to determine what to do. In the case of URL files the filer does something similar. If no app has intercepted a wimp message saying the file has been run (perhaps because the application is not on the iconbar) the "run type" for that filetype is examined and the appropriate action taken from that. You can check the current settings in a command window (ctrl+f12); yours will likely be slightly different. *show *file* ... File$Type_B28 : URL ... File$Type_F91 : URI ... *show *run* ... Alias$@RunType_B28 : /SCSI::HardDisc4.$.Apps.!NetSurf.!Run -urlf %*0 ... *show *uri* Alias$Open_URI_file : /SCSI::HardDisc4.$.Apps.!NetSurf.!Run -nowin Alias$Open_URI_geo : SCSI::HardDisc4.$.Apps.!RiscOSM.!Run Alias$Open_URI_http : /SCSI::HardDisc4.$.Apps.!NetSurf.!Run -nowin Alias$Open_URI_https : /SCSI::HardDisc4.$.Apps.!NetSurf.!Run -nowin Alias$Open_URI_x-stronghelp : Run SCSI::HardDisc4.$.Apps.!StrongHlp.!Run (Some apps "wrongly" set a run type for URI files. Apparently that's not the way they should be handled) If the system isn't working there are two possible problems. 1. something loaded is discarding the wimp messages, or 2. something which may not be loaded has (un-)set the system variables Cure with: 1. Trial and error. Try quitting programs and retrying. 2. Find out which variable(s) is/are being 'broken' and use !Locate to find the culprit obey file which is (un/re)setting it. HTH -- Tim Hill -------- Find an event to attend at: Mimemap and other stuff: