On 7 Nov 2017 Richard Porter  wrote:

> On 7 Nov 2017 Jim Nagel  wrote:

>> I wonder if a couple of others could try that link, please:  try
>> subscribing to the Netsurf list from a different valid address of your
>> own.  Do you get the same message as I did?  What ISP are YOU using?

> I'm getting "You must supply a valid email address" whether I supply a
> valid forwarder address, an alternative mailbox on my PlusNet account
> or a PlusNet alias for my normal address.

I have subscribed to one of my Mailman lists on a domain hosted by 
eukhost.com using a forwarded email address and there was no problem. 
I was asked to confirm my request and my request was forwarded to the 
moderator for approval. It won't be!

I think your problem must be caused by the spam filtering or DMARC 
policies of the service providers or hosts of the domains concerned - 
maybe list settings but I can't think of one that might have that 

I run a number of Mailman lists and I haven't run into this problem 
but I normally subscribe members myself. The lists aren't publicly 
visible. The only really annoying thing is caused by AOL's DMARC 
policies which means messahes have to be sent as attachments to 
wrapper messages or the From address has to be munged so you can only 
reply to the list unless you edit the address.

I think there are some issues with BT but not directly associated with 
the list. One member who uses a company domain name but appears to be 
connected via Virgin Media can't communicate with another member on 
btinternet. I suspect that has to do with reverse domain lookup as the 
company is based in Denmark.


Richard Porter                      http://www.minijem.plus.com/
t: @westernexplorer                 mailto:r...@minijem.plus.com
I don't want a "user experience" - I just want stuff that works.

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