In message <>
          Jim Nagel <> wrote:

>Tim Hill wrote on 6 Nov:
>> (bcc to JN)
>> In article <>, Jim Nagel
>> <> wrote:
>   [snip]
>>> I went to the Netsurf-users Info Page [via link quoted above] and
>>> subscribed using a different address (a valid one), but it responds:
>>> "You must supply a valid email address."
>I wonder if a couple of others could try that link, please:  try 
>subscribing to the Netsurf list from a different valid address of your 
>own.  Do you get the same message as I did?  What ISP are YOU using?

Yes, I do (i.e. it fails for me just like it does for you).  I'm
using BT as my ISP, and more to the point my email service provider
is but using my own domain name.


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