On 19 Aug 2016  Jim Nagel <nets...@abbeypress.co.uk> wrote:

> I'm using Virtual RiscPC on my ol' Windows XP laptop while away from
> base.  Various wrinkles of this setup are still unfamiliar to me.

> One is that Netsurf (recent, #3538) too quickly eats up all the free
> memory.

> What can I do to avoid this?  I guess I either need to fix Netsurf or
> need to find a way to make Windows give more memory to VRPC.  Haven't
> yet found a way to do either; advice welcome, please.

Just a silly point, maybe. Why use NetSurf when you have much more 
versatile browsers in Windows? NetSurf is excellent as far as it goes, 
but can't compete with Chrome or Firefox on the dark side.

Best wishes,


Peter Young (zfc Ir) and family
Prestbury, Cheltenham, Glos. GL52, England

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