In article <>, cj <> wrote: > In article <>, > Rod at Orpheusmail <> wrote:
>> Would you elaborate please, as I don't fully understand. (The bit about >> 'kill' facility that is). > I haven't sorted the best UI yet, which is why it is not in the release > version. Basically, as part of a job you could list tasks that should be > killed if running (and restarted again at the end of the job). For example, > if you have a job to backup your Pluto directory and data files, you could > include Pluto in a kill file for that job. When it came to this job, > SyncDiscs would check whether Pluto was running, and if so, issue a task > close message before starting the backup. There would then be no chance of > the data files changing part way through the backup, and hence the backup > of Pluto ending up in an inconsistent state. This could be extended to > restart Pluto once the job has completed. > However, I am not sure whether such a facility would be of general interest. Thanks for that Chris. And I do think that it would be a useful feature. Kind regards, Rod -- Rod Grover