On 12 Aug, cj wrote in message <54f1f9a962ch...@chris-johnson.org.uk>:
> In article <cd18f7f154....@abbeypress.net>, > Jim Nagel <nets...@abbeypress.co.uk> wrote: > > > Warning from Netsurf > > The file could not be saved due to an error: > > 'ADFS::Drive2.$.2310d/zip' is a directory > > This is a common error and nothing to do with Netsurf as such. It is due > to some oddity with SparkFS and handling of zip files, and seems to depend > on how the original zip was produced (software). I get it from > Filer_Action when running SyncDisc jobs. I'm not sure it's that odd. If SparkFS has been seen and the zip file has the correct filetype, RISC OS will report the object to NetSurf as a directory, not a file (/some/ calls will report it as an "image directory", but others won't). > > (1) The wording of the warning seems inappropriate. A "directory"? > > SparkFS etc treats zip files as image files, so zips can appear as a > directory containing files. While undeniably clever, the whole image filing system concept has some really big holes in it. > > (2) The text of the warning was not recorded by !Syslog (whose job is to > > make it easy for people submitting bug reports to quote the exact > > wording of an error message). I searched the whole log and found > > nothing from Netsurf. Some confusion? There's no single SysLog log, so it isn't clear which "whole log" Jim searched... > Netsurf uses its own logging and does not send anything to Syslog. Indeed. > > *help wimplog says: "The Wimplog module logs errors sent to > > Wimp_ReportError (ie, shown as error boxes on the screen) to a file > > using !Syslog." > > Wimplog intercepts the standard Wimp_ReportError wimp error messages. If > Netsurf uses its own internal error reporting, then Wimplog will not see > it. NetSurf uses its own non-blocking error dialogues, so WimpLog won't ever see the errors reported. In terms of bug reporting, NetSurf's own log is far more detailed and far more useful. -- Steve Fryatt - Leeds, England http://www.stevefryatt.org.uk/