On Wed, Apr 29, 2015 at 02:42:43PM +0100, cj wrote:
> In article <54bbe96175li...@torrens.org.uk>,
>    Richard Torrens (lists) <li...@torrens.org.uk> wrote:
> > write a request to comp.sys.acorn.programmer to see if you can
> > interest anyone there in joining the team. There may well be
> > someone who is capable, could be interested, but does not subscribe
> > to this list.
> There has been talk in various forums about the problem.
> The first thing that gets stressed is that in order to compile
> NetSurf (essential in order to test even the smallest change) you
> need to be using GCC and the autobuilder under linux. That is an
> immediate and very major obstacle to several people who have
> expressed some interest.

I spent some time writing a HOWTO document outlining how to set up a
cross-compiling environment using a virtual machine (so it can be done
on Windows machines as well as on Linux).  Sadly few people seem to have
taken advantage of it.

It takes less than an hour to install the OS and get a NetSurf build


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