On Thu, Sep 25, 2014 at 05:11:27PM +0100, Jim Nagel wrote:
> Tony Moore  wrote on 25 Sep:
> > 'Reported in CI build #' doesn't make it clear that the '#' should be
> > omitted from the answer. If the '#' is included, Mantis posts an error.
> Is "robust" the right word when I say I think software should be 
> robust enough to anticipate such variations in user input and quietly 
> take the bits it wants.

No, that's not robustness, that's telepathy.  No matter how many filters
or functions or pattern matches you attempt (each with its own list of
maintenance requirements and bugs), somebody on netsurf-user will still
end up asking why it refuses "Net Surf Version Three small dot thing 2".


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