On Thu, Sep 25, 2014 at 03:01:14PM +0100, Jim Nagel wrote:
> Rob Kendrick  wrote on 25 Sep:
> > Did you say "Netsurf 3.2" or "3.2" ?
> The former.  Is Mantis not robust enough to cope with both?

It's robust in the sense that it detected you gave it nonsense rather
than inserting inconsistent data into the database.

> But upon doublechecking my iconbar, I find I'm wrong.  I'm using "3.1 
> (Dev Cl #1718)" on this Iyonix.  Must be one of my other machines 
> where I have 3.2 -- will check.

When you see Dev CI (not CL) versions, you'll want to mention this
number, too.

> Info expected by Mantis in some fields was not obvious.
> Is the best course then to leave such fields blank and just make sure 
> the freeform fields include all relevant info?

If in doubt, provide more information.  Yes, opening the submit button
in a new window is probably the best way to go about using it.


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