On 14/06/14 14:30, Andrew Pinder wrote:

>> We recently decided to make use of "!Cache" as we assumed it would be
>> suitable and correct.  (None of the core developers are actually using
>> RISC OS at the moment, so we hadn't checked it actually worked.)

> If you give some clues as to how to test it, some of us may be able to 
> give feedback :-)

Thanks, but I think it's already been tested enough to show it doesn't
work, as it stands.  You should be able to put it in !Boot without it
throwing up errors or having other side-effects.

Our options are to get Cache from http://www.snowstone.org.uk/riscos/
fixed, and continue using it, or create our own simpler solution.

Steve Fryatt: any thoughts on this?


Michael Drake                        http://www.netsurf-browser.org/

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