Andrew Pinder, on 14 Jun, wrote:

> In message <>
>  on 13 Jun 2014 Rob Kendrick <> wrote:
> > On Fri, Jun 13, 2014 at 09:42:54PM +0100, Andrew Pinder wrote:
> > > > Couple people try moving it elsewhere (ie, outside !Boot.Resources),
> > > > and configure !Boot to "look at" !Cache *BEFORE* it looks at or runs
> > > > !NetSurf, and see if this solves the problem?
> >> 
> > > Well, that put it slightly *later* in the Boot sequence but still
> > > before looking at !NetSurf.  Same error.
> > Thanks, that's a useful data point.  We'll look more closely.
> I forgot to mention, I'm running 5.20 on an ARMini.
> I tried moving !Cache from Look at to Run, with no change.  At that stage
> I also removed !NetSurf from the boot completely.  Eventually removing
> !Cache completely from the boot sequence got rid of the error and brought
> back the ARMini splash banner, which I now realise is what had been
> missing.

!Cache does not error here when in !Boot.Resources, but it also cannot use
its SysLog calls as !SysLog is booted after !Cache. 

If I try to use !Boot's 'Look at' the error here is "Not enough memory", and
the cache doesn't.

One work around is to comment out the SysLog run line in !Cache.!Run.

Another work around is to Filer_Run <SysLog$Dir>.!Run which had the
disadvantage the the SysLog module is not loaded in time for
!Cache.!RunImage to use it and is therefore somewhat useless.

A more useful evasion is to ensure the the SysLog module is loaded before
!Cache is booted.

That is what is happening here but so far I have not seen the "Not enough
application memory to start Basic" error.

Raspberry Pi, OS5.21 (03-Jun-14). 

Hope this helps.

David Pitt

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