On Wed, May 15, 2013 at 06:55:48PM +0100, Roger Darlington wrote:
> This works properly in NS dev vers  r12638 (and many others of this 
> period)

This is from before a huge rework of frames, so your first problem is a real
bug, please file it in the bug tracker.

> Of course, there may well be some writing somewhere that says Netsurf 
> 3.1 doesn't yet do these things, and that the team are working on it ?

In brief -- if it's JavaScript based, it doesn't work in NetSurf yet.

Our JS support is *very* rudimentary as yet -- we have a long long way to go.
If it works, then bonus for you.  If it doesn't, that's expected at this point
and you're unlikely to gain friends by reporting bugs about it just yet :-)


Daniel Silverstone                       http://www.netsurf-browser.org/
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