I have noticed two problems with the version in the subject heading:

When using a framed website, and you click the mouse in one of the 
frames, then press f8, it always puts the frame index file into the 
editor, rather than the page belonging to the window you have just 
pressed the mouse in.

This works properly in NS dev vers  r12638 (and many others of this 

If you need a framed site to check it out on, try this one:

I can check checkboxes written in java, but nothing happens if I click 
on the 'Search Using Checkboxes' icon (nor on the [RESET] icon.

If you want a (non-framed) page to check out the checkbox anomalies, 
then try this one:


Of course, there may well be some writing somewhere that says Netsurf 
3.1 doesn't yet do these things, and that the team are working on it ?


If your boss wants a power-point presentation, then give him a mains 

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