In article <nsc41be8d752.b...@yo.rk>,
   Bryn Evans <> wrote:
> Tried the second Sept 30th release and seems ok -
> RiscPC, StrongArm, RO4ยท02, 130Mb memory.

In my case using RO 6.20.

I have had no crashes but there is a silly with Flickr which doesn't
produce the individual images - although it does show the images on the
index page. With the March version I could see the pictures but there was a
message telling me to use Javascript for the best results. This message has
now disappeared, but I'd rather have the pictures.

The readme file needs replacing, as it applies to the older system and
tells you how to install the boot and system files which are not supplied
with the new version.

David Wild using RISC OS on broadband

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