On 1 Oct 2012 Bryn Evans  wrote:

> In a mad moment - Richard Porter  mumbled :

>> Yes. It fails with or without all the images and css.
>> I've sent you the html source from a full save.

> Tried the second Sept 30th release and seems ok -
> RiscPC, StrongArm, RO4ยท02, 130Mb memory.
> Subjective observation says very fast, especially with Images.
> Thanks!!

I have a problem. I added the index of development releases to the 
hotlist, but now when I click on the entry it does nothing. It seems 
that NetSurf can't bookmark a directory index.

I'll find the link as the original post won't have expired yet.

Richard Porter                        http://www.minijem.plus.com/
I don't want a "user experience" - I just want stuff that works.

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