In message <>  
Rob Kendrick wrote:

> On Tue, 15 Sep 2009 14:06:02 +0100
> Andrew Weston <> wrote:

>> On Tue, Sep 15, 2009 at 12:57 PM, John-Mark Bell
>> <> wrote:
>>> Indirectly. The RISC OS frontend's lack of maintenance is actively
>>> blocking several of these changes being merged. The longer this
>>> situation persists, the more likely I am to unilaterally remove
>>> support for the RISC OS frontend, as it is holding back
>>> improvements for other platforms (and NetSurf in general).
>>>> has there been much response yet to your call for help?
>>> Several people have expressed interest. None of this has translated
>>> into code contributions, however.
>> Have they applied conditions or are they not able to do it?

> There are more than two possible causes, and neither of these are it.

> B.

Well, I don't know how many people are using NetSurf on each platform
but I ONLY use NetSurf on RISC OS because its the most useful and as
far as I know the only maintained browser for RISC OS. Withdrawing
support for RISC OS, to me, is crazy. There are already far more
capable browsers for other platforms so I never use NetSurf on
anything other than RISC OS. I can't see my stance changing at least
until there is javascript support in NetSurf.

I'd love to offer support but I don't have appropriate skills or the


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