when typing a lengthy bit of text into one of those typically annoyingly small panes on a web page, i have learnt the hard way over the years to keep a copy of what i write, because too often a site throws up some error when i click Submit and then i have had to type it all over again.
does Netsurf2 respond to the usual keyboard shortcut, Ctrl-A, to copy all the text in a field? or do i still have to drag the mouse painfully from beginning to end of the field? i say painfully, because the action of scrolling in that typically annoyingly small pane can lose the existing selection. -- >>> please don't reply my entire message back to me ;=] Jim Nagel www.archivemag.co.uk Abbey Press 32 Norbins Rd (01458) 83 3603 Glastonbury BA6 9JG pocket 0797 415 3861