On 11 Feb 2009, David H Wild wrote: > In article <502c1997a2lists-nos...@vigay.com>, > Paul Vigay <lists-nos...@vigay.com> wrote: >> > I know these aren't implemented yet - but a supreme example of a page >> > that needs them is http://jn.nutrition.org/cgi/content/abstract/125/3/466 > >> > I lookad at why words werre eliding.... would you believe it's filled >> > with <SUP> </SUP> .. what on earth is a superscript space for? > >> Are you sure they're not implemented? I get them ok on the page above. >> In fact, I've used them quite extensively on a site that I've just built >> for a customer - www.hypermaths.org/cropcircles/chapter5/ (amongst >> others) and they all appear to work ok. > > They are implemented. The real problem with this site is that the > superscript spaces - weird things - are not recognised by Netsurf as being > spaces. As Richard asked, what is the purpose of a superscript space? >
They're NOT implemented (look at the Subject - it mentions both SUB and SUP) Well, to be more precise, superscripts are implemented, but subscripts are implemented as superscripts! So, for instance, carbon dioxide, CO2, if done properly in html always appears as carbon monoxide squared. See one of the pages in my isotope info website below for numerous examples. http://rogerarm.freeuk.com/rogerarm/ElementText/i16.htm This subject (mis-working of <SUB>) crops up regularly, about every 3 months. I first reported it about 20 months ago. -- Cheers Roger Leave nothing but your footprints and your mind.