In article <>,
   Paul Vigay <> wrote:

> Having said that, I don't think it's just superscript spaces that NetSurf
> has a problem with. I've noticed that quite often NetSurf will omit a space
> when it's immediately next to an HTML tag. For example, see the two lines
> of text under 'NetSurf oddity' at

> It looks like the first space after a tag is omitted, which is possibly why
> the <sup>'space' is appearing as a blank....?

     As I understand the rules, the problem is slightly different. A
browser is required to turn all multiple white spaces into single space
characters then normalise an element content by deleting any leading and
trailing space. In the case of your examples the second line is rendered
incorrectly - it should appear as something like -

This is some textandwords initalicstyle.

Assume the strong and emphasis elements. Both leading and trailing spaces
in these elements are required to be removed - so Netsurf half gets it
right by removeing only the trailing space. The first of your example lines
is fine.

     What Netsurf occasionally does is encounter an element -


and throw a space in before the fullstop - which looks ridiculous if the
full stop overflows the line box onto the next line!



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