In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Rob
Kendrick <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Wed, 29 Oct 2008 15:53:28 +0000 (GMT) "Torrens (lists)"
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> > How come, if the domain name is illegal, it has been accepted for
> > registration? I did a whois on it.

> Because registrars are lax.  Hostname segments should not begin with
> digits, and this makes it difficult to tell the difference between IP
> addresses and names.

Is it? makes perfect sense.

There is something here in email address validation which may be of
"The new syntax expands the set of names to allow leading digits, so long
as the resulting representations do not conflict with IP addresses in
decimal octet form."

> > they sure as hell do need someone to do things properly! Both are
> > microsoft server based.

> That's not actually telling of the competence of the designer.  The
> problem itself is actually in a PHP script.  It appears whoever wrote
> it does not know how to use it correctly, 


> which is sadly true of most
> people who choose to use PHP

Oh dear! Not a PHP fan? I have implemented quite a bit of PHP: you must
tell me what I am doing wrong: what is the right way? There's me thinking
Larry Ullman's book would show me the right way:

My email address is genuine. Please do not reply to this post here.

Tim Hill,

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