On 5 Jan 2008, Michael Drake wrote:
> In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
>    Brian Howlett <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> On 5 Jan, Richard Porter wrote:
>> [snip]
>> > Is it possible to make a dragable icon like the little globe on
>> > Oregano, so that you can drag the URL onto another browser or an
>> > editor window?
>> You don't need a button - just drag from anywhere in the address bar
>> and drop wherever you want.
> Unless you're using Select or any of ROL's other names for RO4 with Select
> features. Select's text selection in writable icons feature stops URL bar
> dragging from working, unless you hold Shift or Ctrl as you drag.

If you hold both down at once you start moving the whole URL writeable 
icon entry box!

> Select drag saves as URL file.
You mean 'Shift drag' rather than 'Select drag' ??

> Ctrl drag saves as text file.
As does drag without any key.

> Michael


James Brindley discovered canals when he accidentally fell into one.

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