On 2 Jan 2008, Paul Vigay <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> In a dim and distant universe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
>    Richard Porter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> enlightened us thusly:
> > Just one minor point though - when you click on a link that throws
> > up a save dialogue, the button bar is attached to the dialogue box.
> > I don't think this was intended.

[replying here because the original has not arrived] As you say, not
intended, but to fix it would require changes to ButtonBar itself, which
I didn't write. As it stands, the buttonbar attaches itself to any
NetSurf window which has input focus - including Hotlist, Global
History and Cookies, where at least the navigation buttons are useful.

> Also, another minor point is that when you click on a button and
> NetSurf /doesn't/ have the caret

I can't reproduce that here. When a NetSurf window loses input focus,
its buttonbar closes. 

> odd things happen to other applications. I suspect this is because the
> button bar is simply passing certain keypresses onto the wimp (for any
> other application to act on). It might be better to detect whether or
> not NetSurf has the caret or not

As far as I know, ButtonBar already does this.



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