In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
   Paul Vigay <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> In a dim and distant universe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
>    Richard Torrens (RiscOS) <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> muttered:

> > Server Side Includes...

> But they're handled by the server, so if the server is working
> correctly, the browser won't actually see the original code, merely the
> HTML that the server sends to it.


> I presume the original poster was referring to viewing said pages in an
> offline mode, whereby the SSIs won't be executed and NetSurf will see the
> 'raw', original HTML code?


But my feeling is that logically the browser should ignore the two <-- -->
comments and be left with an empty <A HREF="http://";>

It isn't an issue in itself, but may be a useful clue to a bug.

Once served up properly (in this case from lighttpd) it works properly.

Richard Torrens
4QD manufacture speed controllers for battery electric motors.
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