On 11 Nov 2007 Paul Vigay wrote:

> In a dim and distant universe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
>    Richard Torrens (RiscOS) <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> muttered:

>> Server Side Includes...

> But they're handled by the server, so if the server is working correctly,
> the browser won't actually see the original code, merely the HTML that the
> server sends to it.

> I presume the original poster was referring to viewing said pages in an
> offline mode, whereby the SSIs won't be executed and NetSurf will see the
> 'raw', original HTML code?

If you view the pages locally using !webjames will it handle SSIs? 
Does that include <!--#echo as well as <!--#include ? Of course the 
page would have to be a .shtml. It doesn't work with .asp.

|_|. _   Richard Porter               http://www.minijem.plus.com/
|\_||_                                mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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