
thank you for your feedback.

The reason for putting !Scrap in a Ramdisk seems to be some
performance benefit for certain workloads or use cases. !MiscSetup
makes this easy by copying !Scrap automatically during boot.
I didn't use this setup myself, but for some people it seems to be an
issue, and I thought that this might be a good start to become more
familiar with RISC OS programming.

2015-07-19 12:47 GMT+02:00 Steve Fryatt <li...@stevefryatt.org.uk>:
> On 19 Jul, Rob Kendrick wrote in message
>     <20150719090731.gb27...@platypus.pepperfish.net>:
>> On Sun, Jul 19, 2015 at 12:55:06AM +0200, Christian Walther wrote:
>> > We just discussed this issue during a RISC OS user meeting, and a better
>> > approach seems to be to place RUfl_Cache in <Choices$Write>.WWW.NetSurf.
>> No, it's not choices data.  Putting it !Cache is probably a better idea,
>> if it is available.
> I'd agree.

Sounds reasonable.

> The patch as sumbitted is also broken, as it will cause RUfl to *read* data
> from Choices$Write.

I rewrote the patch to reflect your suggestions. It checks if
Cache$Dir is set and either sets NetSurf$RUflCacheDir to
<Wimp$ScrapDir> or <Cache$Dir>.NetSurf
rufl_internal.h is patched to make use of <NetSurf$RUflCacheDir> and
hardcodes RUfl_Cache as filename.

Christian Walther
--- librufl/src/rufl_internal.h.orig	2015-07-19 00:13:48.337538993 +0200
+++ librufl/src/rufl_internal.h	2015-07-22 13:39:51.230341855 +0200
@@ -169,7 +169,7 @@
 		s++; l--;						       \
-#define rufl_CACHE "<Wimp$ScrapDir>.RUfl_cache"
+#define rufl_CACHE "<NetSurf$RUflCacheDir>.RUfl_Cache"
 #define rufl_CACHE_VERSION 3
--- netsurf/riscos/scripts/Run.orig	2015-07-19 00:17:04.229535433 +0200
+++ netsurf/riscos/scripts/Run	2015-07-22 13:42:44.310335446 +0200
@@ -29,6 +29,9 @@
 | The following are write-only locations
 SetMacro NetSurf$ChoicesSave <Choices$Write>.WWW.NetSurf.Choices
+| Determine location of font cache (RUfl_Cache)
+If "<Cache$Dir>" = "" Then Set NetSurf$RUflCacheDir <Wimp$ScrapDir> Else Set NetSurf$RUflCacheDir <Cache$Dir>.Netsurf
 | We need RISC OS 3
 RMEnsure UtilityModule 3.00 Error NetSurf needs RISC OS 3 or later

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