On Sun, Jul 19, 2015 at 12:55:06AM +0200, Christian Walther wrote:
> Hello,
> currently !NetSurf stores its font cache in Wimp$Scrap.
> When Wimp$Scrap is copied to a RAMDisc on boot this might lead to
> problems, because naturally the content of Wimp$Scrap is not copied
> back to disk when the system is shut down. Hence RUfl_Cache would be
> recreated on every first start after boot.
> IMHO a file that should be kept permanently should not be put in the
> Scrap-folder.

IMHO you shouldn't put !Scrap in a RAM disc :)

> We just discussed this issue during a RISC OS user meeting, and a
> better approach seems to be to place RUfl_Cache in
> <Choices$Write>.WWW.NetSurf.

No, it's not choices data.  Putting it !Cache is probably a better idea,
if it is available.


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