i had the same behaviour while first compiling and running nsfb. My system and libs are almost the same. AM335x Kernel 3.x Busybox 1.22.1 I solved this issue with bringing the resources and fonts to the target. Generating /root/.netsurf and copying the files from netsurf resource directory. A good hint is to call nsfb with verbose option –v like: nsfb -v -w 320 -h 240 http://www..... There you will see lots of hints regarding the use of the resources. Think most of this „Bad Encoding“ stuff was because of missing some default .css files. You can write me a direct mail and i can send you my tar file of used resources if you want. Yours Christian Lepper Hello, I’ve compiled Netsurf 3.2 for arm-none-linux-gnueabi for a mini6410 from FriendlyARM. when it starts, I get a white screen and get the message BadEncoding. It also won’t load a simple html page with only text from another server. But it can upload a picture from it. I think it has some thing to do with the character encoding but I don’t know how to fix it. system: Hardware: FriendlyARM mini 6410 Kernel: linux-2.6.38 Rootfs: busybox 1.17.2 I use the following libraries: curl-7.39.0 jpeg-9 libiconv-1.14 libidn-1.29 libpng-1.6.15 libxml2-2.9.2 SDL-1.2.15 zlib-1.2.8 and from the netsurf-all-3.2 buildsystem libcss libdom libhubbub libnsbmp libnsfb libnsgif libparserutils librosprite libwapcaplet netsurf for compiling I’ve followed the BUILDING-Framebuffer Thanks!!!! Kind regards Daan Wijnberg