Hello, I’ve compiled Netsurf 3.2 for arm-none-linux-gnueabi for a mini6410 from FriendlyARM. when it starts, I get a white screen and get the message BadEncoding.
It also won’t load a simple html page with only text from another server. But it can upload a picture from it. I think it has some thing to do with the character encoding but I don’t know how to fix it. system: Hardware: FriendlyARM mini 6410 Kernel: linux-2.6.38 Rootfs: busybox 1.17.2 I use the following libraries: curl-7.39.0 jpeg-9 libiconv-1.14 libidn-1.29 libpng-1.6.15 libxml2-2.9.2 SDL-1.2.15 zlib-1.2.8 and from the netsurf-all-3.2 buildsystem libcss libdom libhubbub libnsbmp libnsfb libnsgif libparserutils librosprite libwapcaplet netsurf for compiling I’ve followed the BUILDING-Framebuffer Thanks!!!! Kind regards Daan Wijnberg