Installing a new python subsystem is never an operation which should be
taken lightly, especially when is performed on dom0, which is more an
appliance rather than a standard linux box.
I wonder how can we guarantee that such a change won't affect XS/XCP
functionality, at least for nova purposes.
Would running devstack exercises or tempest on it be sufficient in your

Out of curiosity, when you installed python26 from Epel, did it also
install/upgrade other packages?


PS: This might be almost irrelevant, but I believe that this kind of change
would not be feasible for people running commercially supported versions of

On 14 June 2012 23:47, Willian Molinari <>wrote:

>  Æ!!
> Just for the record:
> Juliano already made the patch for it! :)
>  --
> Willian Molinari
> (a.k.a PotHix)
>    ------------------------------
> *From:* netstack-bounces+willian.molinari=
> [netstack-bounces+willian.molinari=
>] on behalf of Gary Kotton [
> *Sent:* Thursday, June 14, 2012 1:22 PM
> *To:* Juliano Martinez
> *Cc:* <>
> *Subject:* Re: [Netstack] ovs agent Python 2.4 support
>  On 06/14/2012 07:19 PM, Juliano Martinez wrote:
> Roman and Gary,
>  I found the python2.6 on EPEL and also tested it on XS and XCP, using
> python2.6 from EPEL will solve this issue and we don't have to change lots
> lines of code to keep the compatibility.
>  What do we need to use it?
> yum --enablerepo=base -y install mx
> yum --enablerepo=epel -y install python26 python26-sqlalchemy
> python26-mysqldb
>  IMHO it will be the cleanest way to have quantum on XS and XCP ( and we
> already are using EPEL on we will not have any problems with it )
>  This changed wont affect anything on the system, and python2.6 will be
> use only by quantum, the system will keep using python2.4.
>  What do you guys think about use it?
> Great idea! I suggest to try and get some more feedback from guys who are
> more familiar than me regarding XS and XCP
>  []'s
> Juliano
>  On Jun 14, 2012, at 2:14 AM, Gary Kotton wrote:
>  On 06/13/2012 11:53 AM, Roman Sokolkov wrote:
> Gary, thanks for the answer!
>  Do I understand right about quote below?
>> 2. I have yet to understand how Quantum runs on XCP with nova compute.
>> Have the Quantum agent run in the same context as nova compute and send the
>> "networking" commands in a similar way that they are done by the nova vif
>> driver for Xen.
>  To be on the safe side, i will explain our schema. We use XCP as compute
> nodes with separate VM inside XCP for nova-compute service. What's about
> quantum server, it works on external node with nova-network service.
> Quantum agent(OVS) has started on XCP node and polls db. As I understand
> nova-compute takes info about instances vifs from xenapi and this info
> falled into db, so agent simply pulled db and made some stuff like port
>  plugging, VLAN tagging and flow management. As for nova vif driver for XEN
> as I know it uses xenapi for all stuff. Do you mean implement it to agent
> and start it inside nova-compute VM?
> Thanks for the clarification. The issue of 2.4 was discussed a bit after
> the meeting on Monday.
>  Recently I saw commits that make new agent dependencies from quantum
> libs. eg,
> It made more and more difficult to patch it.
> At the moment there is no automatic enforcement of 2.4. At the moment we
> are starting to use more modules from openstack-common (for example common
> configuration, rpc etc.) This may also prove challenging for the 2.4
> compatibility.
>  Thanks, Roman Sokolkov
> 2012/6/7 Gary Kotton <>
>> On 06/06/2012 11:25 PM, Roman Sokolkov wrote:
>>> Hello!
>>> XCP uses only Python 2.4. But upstream version of quantum ovs agent is
>>> unsupported by Python 2.4. What do you think about? Could we keep it in
>>> supported? And what about refactoring code in favor using RPC calls? Will
>>> it be possible to use RPC with Python 2.4 ?
>>  I am currently implementing a blueprint (
>> that improves quantum agents (by using RPC calls). There are a number of
>> issues that we need to address here:
>> 1. The python 2.4 support:
>>    i. There is a bug open that requires enforcing that the agents run in
>> 2.4
>>    ii. Is this something that should be enforced by Quantum or is there
>> another way of addressing this? Below are a few ideas:
>>        1. Using patched versions for 2.4 support.
>>        2. I have yet to understand how Quantum runs on XCP with nova
>> compute. Have the Quantum agent run in the same context as nova compute and
>> send the "networking" commands in a similar way that they are done by the
>> nova vif driver for Xen.
>>        3. Continue the enforcement (which has yet to be implemented)
>>    I am in favor of item #2. This would require some development, but I
>> think that it is doable and gives the most fleixibility to all.
>> 2. RPC code:
>>     i. There is a raging debate in OpenStack if this code should be part
>> of openstack-common (I am certainly in favor of it as it will help us
>> achive our goals and they have done some great work)
>>    ii. This is currently pending a review (pending the above)
>>    iii. This makes use of the cfg>CONF global structure (I am in the
>> process of addressiing this in Quantum -
>> (NOTE that
>> we also need to validate the 2.4 here :)
>> Thanks
>> Aluta Continua
>> Gary
>>> We are using XCP and have patched version of upstream agent worked with
>>> Python 2.4.
>>> --
>>> Regards, Roman Sokolkov
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> Regards, Roman Sokolkov
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