Hi all,

I have some ideas about vif-plugging and Security Group.
I added a sub topic to vif-plugging.

** vif port parameter handling (or portprofile)
VIF Driver should be available to handle plugin-specific port parameters and/or 
helper functions.
This is required in just some plugins now, but necessary to be designed in 
Quantum Community.
In my experience of implementing NEC OpenFlow Plugin, I think it is tough to 
create Nova drivers and Quantum extension APIs.
To help those who wants to write a new Quantum plugin without "agent", we 
should design a common (or just sample) Nova driver and
Quantum extension APIs for passing or retrieving plugin-specific information.

I think there is another sub topic, but I am not sure yet.
I agree that a configurable VIF driver is much better.
For designing the configuration of vif-plugging, it is required that we discuss 
the granularity of selecting VIF Driver.
Should The granularity of selecting VIF Driver be per node, VM, or VIF?
Currently, VIF Driver would be configured in nova-compute.conf.
This means that the granularity is per Hypervisor Node.
To be more flexible, we might consider the case where VIF1 of VM1 connects to 
bridge and VIF2 of VM1 maps to a physical NIC
If so, it may raise another issue; how to determine connection type of VIF.

Is there any blueprint of Security Group in NetStack?
I have a primitive proposal for an firewall model and API, and a firewall 
implementation on Quantum OpenFlow Plugin.
That is just a prototype based on Quantum L2 API.
But, this proposal shows how firewalling API should be.
I think the first point in designing firewalling models is to which entity each 
rule is associated.
Is the entity network or port?
I hope that we will have discussions for firewalling leads much more 
functionalities and APIs than security group has currently.

Finally, I would like to suggest that the Security Group session would be 
suitable to be held after Quantum L3 session.
I think the Security Group is a cross layer function and its design should 
better be coupled with L3 design.


Ryota MIBU

>-----Original Message-----
>From: netstack-bounces+r-mibu=cq.jp.nec....@lists.launchpad.net
>[mailto:netstack-bounces+r-mibu=cq.jp.nec....@lists.launchpad.net] On Behalf 
>Of Dan Wendlandt
>Sent: Wednesday, March 28, 2012 6:58 AM
>To: netstack@lists.launchpad.net
>Subject: Re: [Netstack] quantum community projects & folsom summit plans
>Hi folks,
>Thanks for all of the great responses to the thread.  I've gone through the 
>thread and tried to summarize the key
>topics here: http://etherpad.openstack.org/quantum-folsom
>I think an etherpad will be a better format for being able to collect input on 
>who wants to be able to be a "driver"
>on any given topic (we can definitely have more than one per topic).  It will 
>also help us identify topics that we
>agree are important, but that don't yet have drivers.
>- You don't have to be a driver to participate in the discussion on the topic. 
> Someone who is a driver is expected
>to come to the summit with a fairly detailed proposal on the topic, and to 
>help organize discussion.  Everyone then
>helps refine the proposal.
>- Some of these topics are still quite broad, and may end up being broken into 
>multiple sessions, but the key first
>step is identifying the parties who want to be involved in defining the topic.
>I want to make sure we spend summit time discussing topics that are the most 
>critical items for the project.  If
>there are any topics on the ML that I missed, or topics topics that we think 
>are as or more important than other
>items on the list, let me sure we add them soon.
>We need to have sessions filed on the summit website by end of week, so please 
>update the etherpad today/tomorrow,
>and we'll start filing sessions thursday/friday.
>On Mon, Mar 12, 2012 at 4:10 PM, Dan Wendlandt <d...@nicira.com> wrote:
>       Hi team,
>       As we start to look forward to Folsom, I know there will be a lot of 
> excitement around shiny new directions
>we can take Quantum (L3, VPN/DCI, etc.).  This is great, and we will be moving 
>in this direction during Folsom.  I
>know many people are looking to participate here.
>       But I also want to stress the importance of also focusing on less shiny 
> tasks that are central to building
>a solid and usable platform.  To this end, I wanted to highlight a link I sent 
>out during last weeks meeting:
>       This page has a pointer to low-hanging fruit bugs as well as a list of 
> "community projects" that are not
>necessarily shiny, but are critical to the progress of the project.  This 
>includes things like improving the CLI,
>integrating with Horizon/Keystone, building a system test infrastructure, 
>updating documentation, multi-host devstack,
>       In many cases, these are items that we targeted for Essex, but didn't 
> have sufficient core dev resources
>to tackle.  With Quantum becoming core in Folsom, we can't afford to have that 
>happen again, as expectations around
>Quantums usability, robustness and integration with other projects will be 
>much higher in Folsom than it was for
>       I encourage others to add items to this page as well.  My general rule 
> is that something is a community project
>if its unlikely that someone is doing the work to enable something for their 
>platform/company.  As a hint, if a bunch
>of people who express interesting in working on something, its probably not a 
>community project.  If people have
>been saying "hey, someone should really fix/improve X" for a while, the fix 
>would help just about everyone, but no
>one has yet stepped forward, its probably a community project :)
>       So in sum, as an open source project, we must make sure everyone is 
> encouraged and rewarded for working on
>core community projects.  I also want to make sure sufficient time at the 
>summit is dedicated to how we will progress
>on both community projects.
>       Since we will soon be able to register sessions for the Folsom summits, 
> I'd like people to chime in on the
>list for what they think are the most important "community projects", as well 
>as "shiny objects" for us to discuss
>at the summit.  Hopefully this will make the process of designing sessions 
>more collaborative and community-driver,
>rather than a game of "I better try and register the session on X before 
>someone else does".
>       Here are some initial thoughts:
>       community projects:
>       - improve system test / devstack / tempest
>       - quantum authn + authz (yes, we still do not have basic API auth)
>       - better integration with openstack CI team (we want automated 
> smoketests to run on each check-in)
>       - quantum CLI / client improvements.  (many changes needed to be more 
> inline with other core projects)
>       - reworking of quantum / nova integration (remove dependence on nova 
> db, etc.)
>       - better model for learning what extensions are supported by the 
> currently running plugin.
>       - quantum + horizon GUI flow (and framework for widgets that use API 
> extensions).
>       - melange / quantum integration
>       - DHCP API / service
>       shiny objects:
>       - L3 API
>       - VPN / data-center-interconnect
>       - firewalling / security groups.
>       Please reply with your own input.  Thanks,
>       Dan
>Dan Wendlandt
>Nicira Networks: www.nicira.com
>twitter: danwendlandt

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