Hi Mandeep,

Sorry for the slow response.  I had jury duty last week and am just now
making my way through this monster thread :)

In terms of community projects (http://wiki.openstack.org/QuantumStarterBugs)
I've encouraged people to put their names next to issues they are thinking
about working on, to improve coordination.  Once people have started a real
blueprint, they should update the the community projects page with the
blueprint link.

Of course, before you embark on any significant project, its still probably
a good idea to just send a note to the netstack list saying that you're
planning on working on X, and where curious if anyone else is already
working on it.

So definitely pick a topic that you're interested on and I can help make
sure you find anyone else who is already working on it.  Thanks!


On Wed, Mar 21, 2012 at 10:50 AM, Mandeep Dhami <mandeep.dh...@gmail.com>wrote:

> Hi Dan:
> I am new to this project, so please bear with newbie questions ...
> perhaps my wiki-fu is just weak today!
> To participate on basic community projects like these, how do we get
> started? (in terms of co-ordination with others who might be working
> on it already, or even other teams like horizon). In particular, I can
> help with some of these not-so-shiny projects like devstack updates,
> CLI updates, horizon improvements, etc. What is the next step?
> Regards,
> Mandeep
> On Mon, Mar 12, 2012 at 4:10 PM, Dan Wendlandt <d...@nicira.com> wrote:
> > Hi team,
> >
> > As we start to look forward to Folsom, I know there will be a lot of
> > excitement around shiny new directions we can take Quantum (L3, VPN/DCI,
> > etc.).  This is great, and we will be moving in this direction during
> > Folsom.  I know many people are looking to participate here.
> >
> > But I also want to stress the importance of also focusing on less shiny
> > tasks that are central to building a solid and usable platform.  To this
> > end, I wanted to highlight a link I sent out during last weeks
> > meeting: http://wiki.openstack.org/QuantumStarterBugs
> >
> > This page has a pointer to low-hanging fruit bugs as well as a list of
> > "community projects" that are not necessarily shiny, but are critical to
> the
> > progress of the project.  This includes things like improving the CLI,
> > integrating with Horizon/Keystone, building a system test infrastructure,
> > updating documentation, multi-host devstack, etc.
> >
> > In many cases, these are items that we targeted for Essex, but didn't
> have
> > sufficient core dev resources to tackle.  With Quantum becoming core in
> > Folsom, we can't afford to have that happen again, as expectations around
> > Quantums usability, robustness and integration with other projects will
> be
> > much higher in Folsom than it was for Essex.
> >
> > I encourage others to add items to this page as well.  My general rule is
> > that something is a community project if its unlikely that someone is
> doing
> > the work to enable something for their platform/company.  As a hint, if a
> > bunch of people who express interesting in working on something, its
> > probably not a community project.  If people have been saying "hey,
> someone
> > should really fix/improve X" for a while, the fix would help just about
> > everyone, but no one has yet stepped forward, its probably a community
> > project :)
> >
> > So in sum, as an open source project, we must make sure everyone is
> > encouraged and rewarded for working on core community projects.  I also
> want
> > to make sure sufficient time at the summit is dedicated to how we will
> > progress on both community projects.
> >
> > Since we will soon be able to register sessions for the Folsom summits,
> I'd
> > like people to chime in on the list for what they think are the most
> > important "community projects", as well as "shiny objects" for us to
> discuss
> > at the summit.  Hopefully this will make the process of designing
> sessions
> > more collaborative and community-driver, rather than a game of "I better
> try
> > and register the session on X before someone else does".
> >
> > Here are some initial thoughts:
> >
> > community projects:
> > - improve system test / devstack / tempest
> > - quantum authn + authz (yes, we still do not have basic API auth)
> > - better integration with openstack CI team (we want automated
> smoketests to
> > run on each check-in)
> > - quantum CLI / client improvements.  (many changes needed to be more
> inline
> > with other core projects)
> > - reworking of quantum / nova integration (remove dependence on nova db,
> > etc.)
> > - better model for learning what extensions are supported by the
> currently
> > running plugin.
> > - quantum + horizon GUI flow (and framework for widgets that use API
> > extensions).
> > - melange / quantum integration
> > - DHCP API / service
> >
> > shiny objects:
> > - L3 API
> > - VPN / data-center-interconnect
> > - firewalling / security groups.
> >
> > Please reply with your own input.  Thanks,
> >
> > Dan
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > --
> > Mailing list: https://launchpad.net/~netstack
> > Post to     : netstack@lists.launchpad.net
> > Unsubscribe : https://launchpad.net/~netstack
> > More help   : https://help.launchpad.net/ListHelp
> >

Dan Wendlandt
Nicira Networks: www.nicira.com
twitter: danwendlandt
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