Hi Tomasz,


Thanks for your note. I am not sure I completely understand the problems you 
are facing. Please note that the patch you have referred to introduces the 
VIF-driver for Quantum’s Linux Bridge plugin. The behavior of this is slightly 
different from the VIF driver that is used within Nova for plugging into a 
Linux bridge (when using a VLAN-NetworkManager). More responses inline.





From: netstack-bounces+snaiksat=cisco....@lists.launchpad.net 
[mailto:netstack-bounces+snaiksat=cisco....@lists.launchpad.net] On Behalf Of 
Tomasz Paszkowski
Sent: Tuesday, March 20, 2012 2:54 PM
To: netstack@lists.launchpad.net
Subject: Re: [Netstack] Fwd: [Openstack] Quantum 2012.1 RC1 available


as I wrote in bug report related to linux bridge and quantum in nova this code 
is broken in few places:


1)      tap devices for instances are set up (ip link set up) by quantum during 
creation and this is stoping libvirt from changing mac address of this 
interface which is breaking vm startup


<Sumit> We have not seen issues with the VM startup. Could you kindly be a 
little more specific as to which MAC address needs to change, and is not 
getting changed?</Sumit>


2)      nova-network is not initializing bridge devices on startup and l3 



<Sumit> Did you run the Quantum Linux Bridge agent? The agent does this work, 
and it only happens when the first VM comes up on that network. </Sumit>


3)      machine running instances after reboot is loosing all bridges and tap 
devices and there is no code which recreates this. 


<Sumit> I have not tested this, but again, if you were running the Quantum 
Linux Bridge agent, the bridges should get created again. The tap devices are 
created in the VIF driver, so that only happens when Nova calls “plug” on VM 
start-up. </Sumit>


problem 1 and 2 is resolved by code changes in nova and problem nr. 3 is 
addressed by adapting interface type bridge with quantum linux bridge 


patches are on launchpad https://bugs.launchpad.net/nova/+bug/941794



At the end in my opinion we don't need an agent for linux bridge integration.


<Sumit> As I mentioned earlier, in order to fully support the Quantum 
attach/detach interface semantics, the interface-type has to be set to 
“ethernet” (so that tap devices can be used, and be added to the bridge only 
when attach is called, and vice versa), and the agent has to be run so that the 
per-host configuration is done correctly.  So the agent is needed. Of course, 
if there are any issues, those need to be fixed.</Sumit>

Dnia 20-03-2012 o godz. 22:29 "Sumit Naiksatam (snaiksat)" <snaik...@cisco.com> 

        Hi Ghe,


        Thanks for this update. The Linux Bridge plugin also needs an agent. I 
would imagine that the packaging of that agent would be very similar to that of 
the openvswitch-agent, but I don’t know enough on the packaging to say with any 


        Also, the Cisco plugin does not use an agent at this time, so no agent 
packaging is required there; just letting you know so that you don’t have to 
spend your time exploring.


        If I am not mistaken, the Ryu plugin also uses an agent.





        From: netstack-bounces+snaiksat=cisco....@lists.launchpad.net 
[mailto:netstack-bounces+snaiksat <mailto:netstack-bounces%2Bsnaiksat> 
=cisco....@lists.launchpad.net] On Behalf Of Ghe Rivero
        Sent: Tuesday, March 20, 2012 1:17 PM
        To: Dan Wendlandt
        Cc: netstack@lists.launchpad.net
        Subject: Re: [Netstack] Fwd: [Openstack] Quantum 2012.1 RC1 available



            Debian packages for quantum-rc1 are ready to install from unstable 
(sid) ditribution. Up to now, the binaries packages that can be installed for 
Debian are:


        *       quantum-plugin-cisco 
        *       quantum-plugin-linuxbridge
        *       quantum-plugin-nicira
        *       quantum-plugin-openvswitch 
        *       quantum-plugin-openvswitch-agent 
        *       quantum-plugin-ryu 
        *       quantum-plugin-sample
        *       quantum-server 


        *       python-quantumclient
        *       quantum-common


        Before final release, just a few changes are expected

        *        plugins packages will be revised (I need to check if someone 
else beside openswitch needs an agent and how to handle it)
        *       working default configurations using openvswitch/linuxbridge 

        Thanks everyone for the great work in this release.

        Ghe Rivero

        On Tue, Mar 20, 2012 at 6:53 AM, Dan Wendlandt <d...@nicira.com> wrote:

        Not sure how many people might be on netstack but not the main 
openstack ML, but Thierry cut the official version of the Quantum RC1 today. 


        I'm working with folks from Red Hat & Ubuntu to get binary packages 
based on the RC1 for final testing.  Any other distros that are interested, let 
me know!




        ---------- Forwarded message ----------
        From: Thierry Carrez <thie...@openstack.org>
        Date: Mon, Mar 19, 2012 at 10:00 AM
        Subject: [Openstack] Quantum 2012.1 RC1 available
        To: "openst...@lists.launchpad.net" <openst...@lists.launchpad.net>
        The first release candidate for Quantum 2012.1 ("Essex") is now
        available at:
        Unless release-critical issues are found that warrant a release
        candidate respin, this RC1 will be formally released as the 2012.1 final
        version. You are therefore strongly encouraged to test and validate it.
        If you find an issue that could be considered release-critical, please
        file it at:
        and tag it "essex-rc-potential" to bring it to Dan's attention.
        The "master" branch of Quantum is now open for Folsom development,
        feature freeze restrictions no longer apply.
        NB: Quantum is not a core project for the Essex cycle, therefore it's
        not part of OpenStack 2012.1 common release, scheduled for April 5.
        Thierry Carrez (ttx)
        Release Manager, OpenStack
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        Dan Wendlandt 

        Nicira Networks: www.nicira.com

        twitter: danwendlandt


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        Ghe Rivero
        OpenStack & Distribution Engineer
        www.stackops.com <http://www.stackops.com/>  |  ghe.riv...@stackops.com 
<mailto:diego.parri...@stackops.com>  | +34 625 63 45 23 | skype:ghe.rivero


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