On Mon, Jan 9, 2012 at 4:33 AM, Salvatore Orlando <
salvatore.orla...@eu.citrix.com> wrote:

> Hi all,****
> Here’s another “resurrecting” email thread, after exactly a month!

just in time! everyone knows that email thread expire after one month.

I agre with your thoughts below and don't really have anything to add.  Are
we to the point where we should create a BP for this?


> ****
> ** **
> Aaron had a very interesting observation concerning error codes raised
> from the Quantum API. We currently use several 4xx codes to describe
> Quantum-specific errors, such as “NetworkNotFound” or “PortNotFound”; we
> ensured that Quantum error codes did not overlap with standard HTTP error
> codes. ****
> Even if this simplifies the process of understanding the reason of the
> failure of an API operation, on the other hand it might create problems for
> clients using standard REST libraries which expect only standard HTTP
> codes; also this is not compliant with the current implementation of the
> Openstack API; to the best of my knowledge, Keystone and Glance API too
> only use standard HTTP error codes; I’m not sure about swift, but I think
> it also uses standard codes only.****
> ** **
> It is my opinion that, in order to proceed in the right way on error code,
> we should answer the following three questions:****
> **1)      **Do we want to change the error codes at all? – and if yes,
> when.****
> **2)      **How do we want to restructure them?****
> **3)      **How do we handle the difference between Quantum API v1.0 and
> v1.1?****
> ** **
> Personally, my answers are:****
> 1 – If being compliant with APIs for core OS projects is a priority for
> us, then yes, we should definitely change the structure of the error codes;
> the sooner we do it, the better it is;****
> 2 – The OS API approach (I’m referring API spec 1.1 for an example, I
> don’t know whether there are changes in error codes for API 2.0) “maps” the
> fault to the HTTP error codes which semantically closer to the fault. For
> instance, “buildinprogress” is mapped to HTTP 409 – which is used for
> expressing a conflict error. Even though we could follow this approach, it
> is my opinion that we could just use a few error codes (namely 400, 401,
> and 403) and then embed a Quantum-specific code, and a detailed error
> message in the response body.****
> 3 – That’s a very delicate point, but I reckon we should leave the current
> error codes in v1.0, and provide the new ones in v1.1. This would
> definitely break backward compatibility for clients written for API v1.0;
> hence we should also consider branding this new version 2.0.****
> ** **
> What are your thoughts?****
> ** **
> Regards,****
> Salvatore****
> ** **
> *From:* Dan Wendlandt [mailto:d...@nicira.com]
> *Sent:* 09 December 2011 02:13
> *To:* Salvatore Orlando
> *Cc:* Aaron Lee; netstack@lists.launchpad.net
> *Subject:* Re: error codes in quantum api****
> ** **
> ** **
> On Wed, Dec 7, 2011 at 7:29 AM, Salvatore Orlando <
> salvatore.orla...@eu.citrix.com> wrote:****
> Hi Aaron, ****
>  ****
> The error codes returned by the Quantum API were one of the most discussed
> points in the diablo release cycle. I reckon I changed them at least 4
> times!****
>  ****
> Let me first give you some background. The choice was between using HTTP
> response codes capable of easily pointing the user to the root cause or
> using only standard HTTP response code, embedding application-level error
> codes (e.g.: NetworkNotFound) within the response itself. We decided to
> follow the first option, provisioned that we ensured no error code chosen
> for Quantum redefined any standard HTTP error code.****
>  ****
> Personally, I think both approaches are perfectly valid; however I realize
> the approach we chose is probably not the ‘standard’ way of implementing
> RESTful APIs. I’m therefore completely open at restructuring Quantum’s
> response codes, and target this work for E-3 provided that i) there’s
> agreement from the community (meaning that nobody has a strong argument
> against it) ****
> ** **
> I think this generally makes sense, going by the two measuring sticks of
> "least surprise" and "most like other openstack projects".  ****
> ** **
>  ****
> and ii) we agree on how to deal with the resulting incompatibility between
> v1.0 and v1.1.****
> ** **
> As long as this is part of a version change, and the client is updated, I
> don't think this will be a big deal, right? ****
> ** **
> My bigger concern is to see who is volunteering for the work... are you
> interested Aaron?  I know Salv is already quite loaded with work for E-2
> and E-3.   ****
>  ****
>  ****
> I also think we are summarizing pretty well how we could restructure the
> error codes:****
> ·         420, 430 à 404****
> ·         421, 432, 440 à 409****
> ** **
> Definitely agree with the above mappings. ****
>  ****
> ·         431 (RequestedStateInvalid) could also be mapped on 409. It is
> not a 5xx case, as this error is generated when an invalid administrative
> state is specified in the request (invalid means that its syntax is
> invalid, not that the server does not consider it valid due to its current
> state)****
> ** **
> Agreed that this is not really a 5xx error.  This is a case of a "bad user
> input", where a certain text string named "state" in the JSON or XML body
> should be one of a few well-defined values (either "DOWN" or "ACTIVE")
> otherwise we return an error code.  In my experience, usually a 409 is used
> the request is syntactically "valid" but being rejected because it violates
> some constraint in the resource model.  This is more of a case of "this
> request is not valid syntax".  For this, the vanilla 400 error seems
> applicable.  The RFC text is: "The request could not be understood by the
> server due to malformed syntax. The client SHOULD NOT repeat the request
> without modifications."****
> ** **
> That said, I don't really feel strongly about this :) ****
> ** **
> ** **
> ·         For the Unauthorized error, the discussion on the
> WWW-Authenticated header probably goes beyond Quantum, as I think it
> involves each Openstack project integrated with Keystone.****
> ** **
> Agreed.   ****
>  ****
> In case we decide to restructure the error code another thing we might
> consider is to use 400 BADREQUEST (and 401 for auth failures) only,
> including the Quantum-specific error code in the response. IMHO This would
> also be along the same lines of what Aaron suggested, and possibly easier
> for client apps which will not have to look for multiple error codes in the
> HTTP response.****
> ** **
> That's a fair point.  I tend to like using 404s and 409s as well, as it
> allows some differentiation (e.g., I can programmatically tell the
> difference between a valid request for an entity that doesn't exist and an
> invalidly formated request.  I might want to react to them differently.  In
> the first case, perhaps I perform some action to create the entity.  In the
> latter, I probably just log something and give up.)****
>  ****
> Dan****
> ** **
> ** **
>  ****
> Regards,****
> Salvatore****
>  ****
>  ****
>  ****
> *From:* Aaron Lee [mailto:aaron....@rackspace.com]
> *Sent:* 06 December 2011 22:42
> *To:* netstack@lists.launchpad.net
> *Cc:* Salvatore Orlando; Dan Wendlandt
> *Subject:* Re: error codes in quantum api****
>  ****
> Dan, Salvatore, folks,****
>  ****
> The issue I've seen with this was an error in quantum that raised an
> unexpected error within nova, causing a 500 to bubble back to the api. It
> was a miss configuration that caused the initial error, but it could have
> occurred in the wild as well. This will occur for other consumers of this
> API as well. We can expect at lest some of them to use HTTP or REST
> libraries that don't know what to do with non-standard HTTP error codes. I
> think it would be nicer to those people to use the most specific, yet IETF
> defined, error code possible. We can include a more specific message within
> response, but it should conform to an expected(and hopefully handled by
> their libraries) error code. The idea I'm promoting here is the
> element-of-least-surprise. If someone were rolling their own http client,
> it may be cute to see custom codes, but I don't think most people will be
> doing that. It could be off putting for them to have to pick a different
> library just because of these codes.****
>  ****
> As far as how to change them;****
>  ****
> I'm not sure what to do with 401, rfc 2661 says this "response MUST
> include a WWW-Authenticate header field (section 14.47) containing a
> challenge applicable to the requested resource." And I'm not sure we always
> do that. For authentication and authorization I would recommend we remain
> consistent with the rest of openstack.****
>  ****
> For NetworkNotFound 420, and PortNotFound 430 I recommend we replace these
> with 404. We can have a more specific message about the exact missing
> resource in the response.****
>  ****
> NetworkInUse 421, PortInUse 432, and AlreadyAttached 440 seem like good
> candidates for 409 Conflict. 409 requires the response to include enough
> information to identify the source of the conflict, and I believe this
> would satisfy the original idea of being more specific for the users of
> this API.****
>  ****
> RequestedStateInvalid 431 I'm not 100% sure what to do about this one. It
> almost seems like it would be a 5xx-opps-I'm-sorry instead of a
> 4xx-no-you'r-wrong because it's a missing feature. But I would be afraid of
> a client that handles 5xx response different from 4xx ones. Following least
> surprise it could be 501, Not Implemented. However I don't see a 4xx error
> code that would express this.****
>  ****
> Please let me know what you think,****
>  ****
> Aaron Lee****
>  ****
> On Dec 6, 2011, at 3:58 PM, Dan Wendlandt wrote:****
> ** **
> Hi folks, ****
>  ****
> One quick of the Quantum API that is potentially confusing is that we use
> non-standard HTTP error codes to provide specialized error codes.  For
> example, instead of a 404 for any not found, we have 420 for "network not
> found" and 430 for "port not found".  This could be potentially useful if
> the exact item that could not be found is not implicit in the actual API
> call (e.g., if I query port Y on network X, it could be either the network
> or the port that was not found).  I'm not sure if that was the original
> intent fo the design, but that's my guess.  ****
>  ****
> Given that we're close to defining a new rev of the API, Aaron suggested
> that we open a discussion on the topic, so I'm doing just that. Please jump
> in.  ****
>  ****
> Dan****
>  ****
>  ****
> --
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Dan Wendlandt  ****
> Nicira Networks: www.nicira.com****
> twitter: danwendlandt
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~****
>  ****
>  ****
> ****
> ** **
> --
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Dan Wendlandt ****
> Nicira Networks: www.nicira.com****
> twitter: danwendlandt
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~****
> ** **

Dan Wendlandt
Nicira Networks: www.nicira.com
twitter: danwendlandt
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