Dan, Salvatore, folks,

The issue I've seen with this was an error in quantum that raised an unexpected 
error within nova, causing a 500 to bubble back to the api. It was a miss 
configuration that caused the initial error, but it could have occurred in the 
wild as well. This will occur for other consumers of this API as well. We can 
expect at lest some of them to use HTTP or REST libraries that don't know what 
to do with non-standard HTTP error codes. I think it would be nicer to those 
people to use the most specific, yet IETF defined, error code possible. We can 
include a more specific message within response, but it should conform to an 
expected(and hopefully handled by their libraries) error code. The idea I'm 
promoting here is the element-of-least-surprise. If someone were rolling their 
own http client, it may be cute to see custom codes, but I don't think most 
people will be doing that. It could be off putting for them to have to pick a 
different library just because of these codes.
As far as how to change them;

I'm not sure what to do with 401, rfc 2661 says this "response MUST include a 
WWW-Authenticate header field (section 14.47) containing a challenge applicable 
to the requested resource." And I'm not sure we always do that. For 
authentication and authorization I would recommend we remain consistent with 
the rest of openstack.

For NetworkNotFound 420, and PortNotFound 430 I recommend we replace these with 
404. We can have a more specific message about the exact missing resource in 
the response.

NetworkInUse 421, PortInUse 432, and AlreadyAttached 440 seem like good 
candidates for 409 Conflict. 409 requires the response to include enough 
information to identify the source of the conflict, and I believe this would 
satisfy the original idea of being more specific for the users of this API.

RequestedStateInvalid 431 I'm not 100% sure what to do about this one. It 
almost seems like it would be a 5xx-opps-I'm-sorry instead of a 
4xx-no-you'r-wrong because it's a missing feature. But I would be afraid of a 
client that handles 5xx response different from 4xx ones. Following least 
surprise it could be 501, Not Implemented. However I don't see a 4xx error code 
that would express this.

Please let me know what you think,

Aaron Lee

On Dec 6, 2011, at 3:58 PM, Dan Wendlandt wrote:

Hi folks,

One quick of the Quantum API that is potentially confusing is that we use 
non-standard HTTP error codes to provide specialized error codes.  For example, 
instead of a 404 for any not found, we have 420 for "network not found" and 430 
for "port not found".  This could be potentially useful if the exact item that 
could not be found is not implicit in the actual API call (e.g., if I query 
port Y on network X, it could be either the network or the port that was not 
found).  I'm not sure if that was the original intent fo the design, but that's 
my guess.

Given that we're close to defining a new rev of the API, Aaron suggested that 
we open a discussion on the topic, so I'm doing just that. Please jump in.


Dan Wendlandt
Nicira Networks: www.nicira.com<http://www.nicira.com/>
twitter: danwendlandt

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