Hi All,

At the last Netstack meeting we talked a little about port labels in
Quantum's GUI representation in the Dashboard.  Ram and I had an action
item to send out a note to discuss this further.  

Basically after we put together an initial mockup of a the Quantum GUI
representation in the Dashboard, part of the feeback we got involved the
question of whether we want ports to be identifiable by something other
than an arbitrary value (such as a UUID or an incremental digit).  If
you imagine looking a Dashboard showing lots and lots of ports,
arbitrarily assigned values don't necessarily mean much to human beings
staring at the screen.  For example, in our lab we often have
connections that are temporary to run quick tests and others for big
projects that have to stick around for long enough for everyone to
forget why they're there.  Hence, we use port labels to make info
available along the lines of "temporary patch for Mark" or "Don't
disconnect until December or Mark will beat you with a wet noodle" or
"warning: database replication runs over this port".  

If we think there's a solid use case for having port labels, we then
have to answer the question of where that data should be stored and how
to do CRUD operations on it.  We could create a database for it that's
specific to the Dashboard fairly easily, but then the same info wouldn't
be available if someone makes an API call or uses the CLI client to get
port details.  If we store it in Quantum's DB we'd need to figure out
how to do CRUD ops on that across clients (including things like "should
that be in the message returned when calling for port details, or does
it require a separate call?").  

Ultimately I think this isn't something that's super-urgent, but since
it came back in feedback and I can definitely see use cases for it, I
thought it'd be a good time to start kicking some ideas around.  What do
folks think?

At Your Service,

Mark T. Voelker
Systems Development Organization
(919) 392-4326

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